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博士,爱游戏官网“百人计划”特聘教授。主要研究方向为大气和室内空气中颗粒物的解析与暴露。围绕大气和室内空气中颗粒污染物,特别是超细颗粒物的来源、理化特征、人体暴露和风险评价,进行了系统深入的研究。在Environmental Science & Technology Letters, Environment International, Science of the Total Environment, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,Indoor Air等大气与室内环境主流期刊发表SCI论文37篇,合作撰写并发表学术专著(章节)2部。论文被SCI引用近1100余次,H-index 18。主持和参与中国、欧盟、德国部级及工业项目十余项。


§ 2008–2012 德国奥格斯堡大学,自然科学,博士

§ 2005–2008 北京大学,环境科学,硕士

§ 2001–2005 武汉大学,环境科学,学士


§ 2021.01–至今 爱游戏官网,环境科学与工程学院,教授

§ 2017.01–2020.12 德国弗劳恩霍夫Wilhelm-Klauditz(WKI)研究所,研究人员

§ 2013.01–2016.12 德国奥格斯堡大学环境科学中心,博士后

§ 2012.04–2012.12 德国慕尼黑大学流行病学研究所,研究助理

§ 2008.10–2012.03 亥姆霍兹慕尼黑研究中心-德国环境健康研究中心,研究助理




Li, F.#,Gu, J.#, Xin, J.*, Schnelle-Kreis, J.*, Wang, Y., Liu, Z., Shen, R., Michalke, B., Abbaszade, G., Zimmermann, R. Characteristics of chemical profile, sources and PAH toxicity of PM2.5 in Beijing in autumn-winter transit season with regard to domestic heating, pollution control measures and meteorology.Chemosphere2021, in press, 130143.

Wang, Q.,Gu, J.*, Wang, X. The impact of Sahara dust on air quality and human health in European countries.Atmospheric Environment2020, 117771.

Gu, J., Karrasch, S., Salthammer, T.* Review of the characteristics and possible health effects of particles emitted from laser printing devices.Indoor Air2020, 30: 396–421.

Gu, J*., Uhde, E., Wensing, M. Xia, F. and Salthammer, T. Emission control of desktop 3D printing – the effects of filter cover and air purifier.Environmental Science & Technology Letters2019,6(8): 499-503.

Gu, J*., Wensing, M., Uhde, E. and Salthammer, T. Characterization of particulate and gaseous pollutants emitted during operation of a desktop 3D printer.Environment International2019, 123, 476-485.

Salthammer, T.*, Schieweck, A.,Gu, J., Ameri, S., Uhde, E. Future trends in ambient air pollution and climate in Germany – Implications for the indoor environment.Building and Environment 2018, 143: 661-670.

Gu, J*., Kirsch, I., Schripp, T., Froning-Ponndorf, F., Berthold, D., Salthammer, T. Human exposure to airborne particles during wood processing.Atmospheric Environment2018, 193: 101-108.

Wolf, K.*, Cyrys, J., Harciníková, T.,Gu, J., Kusch, T., Hampel, R., Schneider, A.E., Peters, A.Land use regression modeling of ultrafine particles, ozone, nitrogen oxides and markers of particulate matter pollution in Augsburg, Germany.Science of the Total Environment2017,579, 1531-1540.

Gu, J*., Kraus, U., Schneider, A., Hampel, R., Pitz, M., Breitner, S., Wolf, K., Hänninen, O., Peters, A., Cyrys, J. Personal day-time exposure to ultrafine particles in different microenvironments.International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health2015, 218, 188-195.

Liu, X.*,Gu, J., Li, Y., Cheng, Y., Qu, Y., Han, T., Wang, J., Tian, H., Chen, J., Zhang, Y. Increase of aerosol scattering by hygroscopic growth: Observation, modeling, and implications on visibility.Atmospheric Research2013, 132-133, 91-101.

Liu X.*, Li J., Qu Y., Han T., Hou L.,Gu J, et al.Formation and evolution mechanism of regional haze: A case study in the megacity Beijing, China.Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics2013, 13: 4501-4514.

Gu, J., Schnelle-Kreis, J., Pitz, M., Diemer, J., Reller, A., Zimmermann, R., Soentgen, J., Peters, A., Cyrys, J.* Spatial and temporal variability of PM10 sources in Augsburg, Germany.Atmospheric Environment2013, 71,131-139.

Gu, J., Pitz, M., Breitner, S.,Birmili, W.,von Klot, S., Schneider, A., Soentgen, J., Reller, A., Peters, A., and Cyrys, J.*Selection of key ambient particulate parameters for epidemiological studies - applying cluster and correlation analysis as tools for data reduction.Science of the Total Environment2012, 435-436, 541-550.

Gu, J., Pitz, M., Schnelle-Kreis, J., Diemer, J., Reller, A., Zimmermann, R., Soentgen, J., Stoelzel, M., Wichmann, H-E., Peters, A., and Cyrys, J.* Source apportionment of ambient particles: Comparison of positive matrix factorization analysis applied to particle size distribution and chemical composition data.Atmospheric Environment2011, 45, 1849-1857.

Pitz, M.*,Gu, J., Soentgen, J., Peters, A., and Cyrys, J. Particle size distribution factor as an indicator for the impact of the Eyjafjallajökull ash plume at ground level in Augsburg, Germany.Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics2011, 11, 9367-9374.


Salthammer, T.,Gu, J., Gunschera, J., Schieweck, A., Chapter 38: Release of chemical compounds and particulate matter from wood and wood-based materials. InSpringer Handbook of Wood Science andTechnology, Niemz P. & Teischinger A. (Eds.), Springer, in review.

Cyrys, J., Peters, A., Soentgen, J.,Gu, J., Wichmann, H.-Erich: Umweltzonen. InHandbuch der Umweltmedizin– 53. Erg. Lfg. 12/14, 2014.


1. 德国弗劳恩霍夫协会,anti-Corona-program项目,基于等离子体技术并可灵活应用于医院和交通环境的室内空气消毒技术开发,2020.5-2021.5,45万欧元,在研,曾参与(自2021.1起停止参与)

2. 德国环保局,REFOPLAN项目,气候变化对室内空气质量影响的模型研究,2020.3-2023.3,30万欧元,在研,曾参与(自2021.1起停止参与)

3. 工业项目,医用离心机和3D打印等的超细颗粒物和VOC排放研究,2019.1-2020.12,3万欧元,结题,主持

4. 工业项目,室内空气质量–激光打印机排放的比较研究,2018.1-2020.12,20万欧元,结题,主持

5. 德国弗劳恩霍夫WKI科研基金项目,3D打印机颗粒和气态污染物排放与控制, 2017.7-2018.2,7万欧元,结题,主持

6. 德国联邦食品及农业部,硬木处理中排放的细颗粒物解析和毒理学研究, 2017.1-2018.12,30万欧元,结题,参与

7. 德国国家环境与健康研究中心,ULTRA III Program,环境中的纳米颗粒物与健康:暴露,模型模拟和流行病学研究,2013.7-2016.7,结题,参与

8. 欧盟/德国环保局,The Environmental Research Plan (UFOPLAN)项目,变化中的环境政策,时间-行为,暴露和疾病的系统评估,子项目1:城市低排放区(Low Emission Zone)的效果评估,2013.1-2015.12, 20万欧元,结题,参与

9. 美国环保局,Science to Achieve Results (STAR)项目,大气细粒子和超细颗粒物的特定来源-健康效应(EPA STAR 2),2012.6-2015.12,结题,参与

10. 德国环境健康研究中心-奥格斯堡大学,联合项目,城市气溶胶长期综合观测站项目,2008.11-至今,在研,曾参与(自2017.1起由于工作变动停止参与)

11. 国家自然科学基金委,面上项目,40675082,北京市能见度与大气细颗粒物关系的观测研究和模型提炼,2007.1-2009.12,37万元,结题,参与



